Paper word counter
Paper word counter

This could make a HUGE difference to high-level students who end their essays at around 240 words. However, the change in the IELTS word count rules WILL mean that you no longer have to waste time counting words!!! And, if you do write a response that is only SLIGHTLY shorter than the word limit, there is a chance now that you will not be penalised in any way if you have addressed the task fully. The examiner can only give you points for the words they see on your exam paper, so make sure you write enough to show them your best vocabulary! In the same way, it will be hard to achieve a very high score for Lexical Resource if you don’t provide the examiner with a wide enough sample of your writing.Short answers might not also contain enough language to have ” a wide range of complex sentences”, which will affect your Grammatical Range and Accuracy Score.Click here to read my blog post about what to do if you run out of time in the exam – it could save you at least 1 band score for TR!) If you run out of time and don’t write a conclusion for your essay, you will also receive a low score for Task Responseand/or Coherence and Cohesion, as you probably won’t have a clear position or finished paragraphs.

paper word counter

If you write less than the recommended word count, your ideas probably won’t be extended enough to achieve a 7.0 for Task Response / Task Achievement.And ‘short’ pieces of writing will still be penalised, but just in other ways.

paper word counter

The prompts will still ask you to write 150 words for Task 1 and 250 words for Task 2.

paper word counter

Well, honestly, not very much! Nothing on your exam papers will change. What does the new IELTS word count rule mean for students? However, as many people are now discussing this on various social media platforms, I thought it was time I addresses this issue to ensure students understand what this change means. However, from mid-2018 the automatic IELTS word count penalty was removed. There has been no official announcement of this change and the information was supposed to be sensitive. In the past, you automatically lost points from your Task Achievement / Response score if you wrote an under-length essay, report or letter.

Paper word counter